I&D Solution Medical Empanelment in India

I&D Solution provide online best medical empanelment in India Empanelment is the act of assigning individual patients in which individual primary care providers (PCP) and care teams with sensitivity to patient and family preference. Empanelment is the very basis for population health management and the key to continuity of care. The goal of focusing on a population of the patients is to ensure that every established patient receives optimal care, whether he/she regularly comes in for visits or not. Accepting responsibility for a number of patients, instead of the universe of patients seeking care in the practice, allows provider and care team to focus more directly on the needs of each patient.
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Key changes in I&D Solution Medical Empanelment in India:

·         Assign all patients to the provider panel and confirm assignments with providers and patients; review and update panel assignments on a regular basis.
·         Assess practice for supply and demand, and balance patient load accordingly.
·         Use panel data and registries to proactively contact, educate, track patients by disease status, risk status, self-management status, community and family need.


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